(Patagonia - Ushuaia)
Horseback riding in the southernmost Andes in the world
The program includes:
Transfer Rio Grande Airport / Republic Post / Rio Grande Airport.
All the foods.
Necessary mounts and equipment.
Permanent assistance.
There are many beautiful landscapes in the world, but there are few beautiful places in the world, where you can still see wild horses.
We invite you to CAITA MAPU and you will be able to see them rest and gallop in large canyons and thin streams and crystalline Andean rivers, cared of course, by the majestic CONDORS, from the top of the Andean mountain range.
Day by day itinerary:
Day 1:
Arrival at the airport of Rio Grande, Tierra del Fuego.
Welcome lunch at El República Post, at the foot of the Tierra del Fuego mountain range.
You will meet the baquiano who will guide us and his horses, in a short tour of a waterfall near the post.
We will have dinner with a classic country stew, accompanied by good wine.
Day 2:
After a good breakfast, we will leave towards Cañadón Grande, where there is a high valley, where a large number of condors usually fly over.
After lunch, on the banks of a fine stream that runs down the valley, we will go up to its source, and from La Condorera, we will have a spectacular view of Lake Fagnano.
On our return, we will enjoy a great Patagonian Lamb roast.
Day 3:
After breakfast with some good mates and free-range coffee (including eggs and good homemade bread), we set out in search of the Cascada Chica, to enter its canyon and after walking for a while, reach the Laguna Verde, nestled in a hole formed by two hills.
Having lunch on the shore of the lagoon, we will be able to see and enjoy the number of guanacos that cross the top of the hills.
Later, entering the Cañadón Chico, we will follow the tracks of the wild horses, to be able to see them instead.
Day 4:
We will leave early, through the Vega del Puesto towards Piedra del Alcahuete, one of the best places to appreciate and enjoy the immensity of the landscape of the Fuegian mountain range.
From there we can also see the Cañadón de las Yeguas, and with a bit of luck the herd of wild horses, from Yegua Tordilla.
We will go behind a Beaver Dam, where an old corral for wild horses is abandoned.
There we will have a brief snack, to return in the afternoon to the stride of our horses to the post, where a great farewell roast lamb will await us.
Day 5:
After saying goodbye to the guide and the horses (they will come to miss them), we will leave for the city of Ushuaia.